collage and watercolour 2021 22.5″h, 21.75″
This composition is based on the floral clock that Linnaeus proposed in 1748. The groupings mentioned in the title are differentiated by their opening and closing times: Meteororici are blooms whose opening and closing times are weather dependent, Tropici have opening and closing times that depend on the length of daylight and Acquinoctale blooms have fixed opening and closing times. The shadows refer to a sundial and give us some orientation to the time of day.
Yellow goatsbeard: 3–5 a.m (opening)
Canadian hawkweed: 6–8 a.m (opening)
Garden lettuce: 9–11 a.m. (closing)
Marsh sow thistle: 12–2 p.m (opening)
Cannabis sativa: 4:20 p.m (consuming)
Rough hawkbit: 3–5 p.m. (closing)
European white water lily: 6–8 p.m. (closing)
- Watercolour
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