in progress
watercolour, collage, 24”w, 16”h 2017
Foer’s response to the political turmoil experienced because of the 2016 Presidential campaign is an arena, where there is a lull in the fighting. The battle is fought with Tweets. She comments, “I am always interested in Americans’ anxiety about how to talk to “the other side, . . . I read many advice columns about how to deal with “drunk uncle” at a holiday gathering which led to the title Weapons Left on the Field. Each faction is not changing its opinion, merely calling a ceasefire to accommodate family and friends from an opposing political spectrum at Thanksgiving. I include memes and slogans from Russia, Iran, the UN, Israel and the Occupied Territories, aka Palestine to emphasize the far-ranging influences on our recent election and the implications for its outcome.”
- Historic documents
- Watercolour
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